Italian Car Day at Gaydon 2009
I "popped" over for the weekend to attend the "Auto Italia" day at Brooklands on the 1st May 2010 and to help Mark Devaney with the "Dino stand". There were three Fiat Dinos in attendance - a very nice green 2400 Coupé and two red 2000 Spiders. Also there were six 246GT/GTSs. There were also 2 Dino engines on display, an early static 2000 version and a revised (louder) version of "Aural Assault" (or "Earal Assault"!) which ran up twice and caused a large amount of crowd interest.
"Earal Assault":

My 2000 Spider in the Kentish countryside:

Preparations for the event showing a Fiat Dino Spider 2000, a Ferrari 400i, 2 Dino engines and a Fiat Dino Coupe 2000 tucked away at the beck left:

Very clean 2400 Coupé:

Dan's very original 2000 Spider which interesting has the original Black Skai interior:



David Piper's Ferrari 330 P4:
David and Helen Brenchley's 2000 Spider: